Awards nominations!

I’ve just learned that I got nominated for not one, but two Readers’ Choice Awards this week, so I’m crawling out of my next book in progress to share my excitement 🙂 Both polls are open for voting, and both end on January 15, so if you enjoyed Love Starved and want to share your love, please vote!


The first nomination is on Sinfully MM Book Reviews, in the Debut Author of the Year category.

The second is on the Goodreads M/M Romance group (and possibly only open for members?), and I got nominated in two categories: Best Debut Book andBest Sex Industry.

It’s so strange to peek out of the writing corner, where I’m fully immersed in some YA shenanigans of some distinctly different variety, and see so much love for my debut novel pouring in! A huge thank you to everyone who read, reviewed, commented, shared, recommended, or just plain enjoyed the journey with me ❤ I’m still here, albeit quiet, and I’ll be back with new stories soon(ish).

Love Starved virtual book tour: all the links in one place

In the last two weeks I’ve had the pleasure of being hosted by many great book blogs during my first virtual book tour. Some of the tour stops were promo posts with information about Love Starved and links to the Rafflecopter giveaway (which is still open for another 3 days – click through for chance of winning a $25 Interlude Press gift card!). Some included reviews – and let me tell you, I couldn’t be happier about how well my book was received. In some cases, I got to do guest posts or Q&As.

If you want to catch up on the virtual book tour fun, here’s a list of all the tour stops:

MM Good Book Reviews – an amazing 5-heart review (with graphics!)

Velvet Panic – an interview: mentors, book recommendations, crafts and tattoos 🙂

Hearts on Fire – guest post: If you could hire someone to teach you anything at all, what would it be and who would you hire?

Prism Book Alliance – guest post10 favorite literary couples

Bayou Book Junkie – a great 5-star review

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words – promo

Cate Ashwood – interview: plotting vs. pantsing, writing process and challenges

Bike Book Reviews – promo

Inked Rainbow Reads – not one, but TWO 5-star reviews! ❤

Amanda C. Stone – a fun little interview about teleports, deserted islands and extra hours in a day 🙂

The Blogger Girls – guest postLove as a learning process

Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews – Q&A: munchies, music, travels and writing plans

BFD Book Blog – Q&A: inspiration, criticism and perfect dates, plus a 4.5-star review

Molly Lolly – a lovely 4.5-star review and a guest post: a drabble about Angel’s most unusual job request

Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance – promo

Love Bytes – interview where I get to talk at length about plot bunnies, Love Starved characters and the new novel I’m working on 🙂

My Fiction Nook – promo

Wake Up Your Wild Side – guest postWriting quirks and must-haves to write

Because Two Men Are Better Than One – promo

Rainbow Gold Reviews – a fantastic 9 (out of 10) pots of gold review 🙂

The Novel Approach – guest post about my beautiful book cover

Multitasking Mommas – a 5-star review

Emotion In Motion – promo

Thank you to all the blogs for hosting me, and to Will from Pride Promotions for organizing my virtual book tour! 🙂

Custom-made fantasy #4

[This drabble is a repost from my virtual book tour stop at Molly Lolly.]



Charlotte had been Angel’s client before – they’d met once, months ago, for a fun little role-play that involved a police uniform, a pair of handcuffs and a lot of dirty talk. He remembered her as a sassy, bright woman who knew exactly what she wanted and made sure they both enjoyed every minute of it, charming and relaxing him with her playful personality when he was still so new at all this. So he smiled when he saw an email from her in his inbox – and then his grin just grew more excited the farther he read.

Dear Angel,

I don’t know if you remember me (fondly or otherwise), so I’ll just remind you of the police baton incident… Rings a bell? I bet not many of your customers make such big fools of themselves 😉 Continue reading

Release day + 4

Love Starved cover

Love Starved has been out in the world for four days now and I’m amazed at the positive responses it’s been gathering so far. MM Good Book Reviews, Bayou Book Junkie and Inked Rainbow Reads have all given the novel glowing 5-star reviews, and its ratings on Goodreads and Amazon have been great as well. I feel so happy that so many people find my book enjoyable!

I love that the phrase I hear the most in relation to Love Starved is: “I couldn’t put it down”. Is there a better compliment for a writer? I don’t think so!

I love that each of the boys seems to be gaining their own fans. It’s so much fun to hear that some readers adore Micah while others fall in love with Angel. They are two very different, distinct personalities and I love that it shows like I hoped it would.

Most of all, I love that I can finally share this story with you, watch you take this journey with Angel and Micah, and hear your thoughts about the experience. Thank you for your sweet words and your support!

Love Starved is available at the Interlude Press store, Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and can be ordered at your local independent bookstore.

You can also read bonus drabbles, listen to a Love Starved playlist, follow my virtual book tour, or enter a giveaway or a contest.

Five-star review for Love Starved on MM Good Book Reviews

I promise I’m not going to quote every good review I get here, but this five-star review from KathyMac on MM Good Book Reviews is too fantastic not to save forever. It was a wonderful thing to wake up to on my release day!

Love Starved, by Kate Fierro, is her debut novel and she knocked it out of the park. I only had a vague idea of what the story was about when I sat down to read. By the first chapter I was already hooked. It had that feel to it that sometimes you are lucky enough to get early in a story that says “This is going to be good.” And, was it ever.

And it only gets better, with lovely graphics and lovelier words 🙂 I’m so grateful for the warm welcome my book is getting so far.

Click through to see the whole review.

“Love Starved” tattoo contest

Have you read Love Starved? Do you have an idea for an amazing tattoo connected with the book? Let me know!

I’m planning to celebrate letting my book out into the world with a Love Starved-themed tattoo. I’m accepting ideas – graphics and/or descriptions – until May 31, when I will choose a favorite design. The winner will receive a multi-format ebook of choice from the Interlude Press store.

Drop ideas into my inbox at

Love Starved playlist

Music is an important part of my writing process. I have a long history of creating scenes, plot lines and even full stories inspired by songs that just happened to come up on the radio at the right moment, and nearly everything I write ends up with a more or less official playlist.

Love Starved is no different, of course. Underneath is a list of songs I listened to obsessively as I wrote the story – songs that influenced parts of it, or that simply reflect certain moments.

The full playlist, ready to be listened to in its preferred order that mirrors the story lines, requires logging in to Spotify. (Registration is free and allows you to legally listen to the playlist – and tons of other music – as many times as you wish, without shuffling the songs for you.)

8tracks playlist is missing one song, because it can’t contain more than two songs by one artist. It will also shuffle the songs after the first playback, but it doesn’t require registration.

And if you prefer to find the songs yourself – here’s the list:

1. “I’ll Try” – Jonatha Brooke
2. “A Whole New World” – Lea Salonga and Brad Kane
3. “For Your Entertainment” – Adam Lambert [*missing from the 8tracks playlist*]
4. “Whataya Want From Me” – Adam Lambert
5. “Safe and Sound” – Taylor Swift, cover by Julia Sheer
6. “Perfect” – Alanis Morissette
7. “Innocent” – Taylor Swift
8. “Giving It Away” – Mae, acoustic
9. “Underneath” – Adam Lambert
10. “Glitter in the Air” – P!nk
11. “I Do” – Colbie Caillat

Love Starved is released on Tuesday, April 21 – in just two days! I hope you enjoy the journey and that the music leads you farther into the story.

You can still win a free copy of Love Starved on Goodreads or Rafflecopter. Or order one from Interlude Press 🙂

Custom-made fantasy #3


Angel closed the door and leaned against it heavily, shoulders slumping with relief. His keys clattered as they slipped out of his hand and to the floor, but he made no move to pick them up, suddenly too exhausted for that much effort. It was his fifth working night in a row, and a bad one at that.

He hated it when the clients tried to force him to stay longer than the agreed time, or worse still, overnight. It didn’t happen often, and every time so far, a firm tone and a warning that his “guardian” would come looking for him had worked well enough, but it was a scare nonetheless. Angel couldn’t help wondering what would happen if someone didn’t listen one day. It wasn’t as if anyone would really come. No one knew where he was when he went out on the job.

Continue reading