Five-star review for Love Starved on MM Good Book Reviews

I promise I’m not going to quote every good review I get here, but this five-star review from KathyMac on MM Good Book Reviews is too fantastic not to save forever. It was a wonderful thing to wake up to on my release day!

Love Starved, by Kate Fierro, is her debut novel and she knocked it out of the park. I only had a vague idea of what the story was about when I sat down to read. By the first chapter I was already hooked. It had that feel to it that sometimes you are lucky enough to get early in a story that says “This is going to be good.” And, was it ever.

And it only gets better, with lovely graphics and lovelier words 🙂 I’m so grateful for the warm welcome my book is getting so far.

Click through to see the whole review.

Virtual Book Tour

Love Starved is coming out tomorrow, and I am starting a virtual book tour. For the next two weeks, here’s where you can find me, talking about my book, the characters, writing, and everything in between.


I will be posting updates and links on my twitter – come over and join the fun!